Friday, September 25, 2009

Ephesians 2

The stark spiritual condition of deadness and rebellion that all of us begin with gives way before the majestic grace of God. The work of Christ, physically taking the hostility on his body on the cross, transforms rebels into friends. The realm of the world is no longer the prime reality for the Christian. . . the cross is. Here is a summary of this chapter:

You cannot be bad enough that God in his grace can't save you. Everyone of us starts off in a terrible condition, a helpless captive of an evil rebel, unable to free ourselves. But God in his mercy sent his son as rescuer, apart from any goodness or deserving in the captives. So successful was the rescue that those who were captives have not joined their rescuer in a position of authority over the former captor. These victor/captives live lives devoted to good works without any remaining reason for prejudice, enjoying peace with God and each other.

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