Friday, June 19, 2009

Acts 9:1-23

As easy as it seemed in chapter eight for Phillip to introduce the chariot rider to Jesus, it is at least that hard here. Saul had to be knocked off his donkey.

From a human perspective, this was an event behind only the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus (and maybe Pentecost) in importance for the church. The whole thing could have been undone if Ananias had not obeyed. He was a poor and a blessed man. No one wanted his job. Ananias was to touch Paul and Jesus was to show him what he would have to suffer! Welcome to being a Christian.

The statement, "Jesus, whom you are persecuting," is a strong and beautiful statement of the identification of Jesus with his church. To persecute her is to persecute him. To serve her is to serve him.

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