Friday, October 02, 2009

Philippians 2

We are given some of the most significant Christology in the Bible, not as something to study, but as illustration of how we should think of others as more important than ourselves. Jesus was perfectly what we must be.

The exaltation of Jesus is obviously part of Jesus' humility that God doesn't want us to miss. Heavenly knees, earthly knees, and subterranean knees will bow! Jesus is also the perfect example of God exalting the humble (1 Peter 5:6).

The beautiful combo in Philippians 2:15-16 is the secret to the Christian life. "Work out your salvation" and "God works in you to will and to do." Do you need to work? Yes. Does God do the work? Yes. Can you tell if you are doing something or God is doing it? Probably not.

You've got to love Paul's friends. He is literally of "one soul" with Timothy. Paul wanted to be literally of "good soul" or encouraged by him. In Phil 2:2, he wanted them to be literally, "together in soul". Spiritual reality makes a difference in your soul.

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