Sunday, July 26, 2009

Romans 5

Never in all my years as a Christian have I had a reaction to the beauty of a text like this one this morning. My heart could hardly be contained in my chest. I wanted to shout, "Yes. Yes." The precious central truths of Christianity are so clearly stated and are so distinct from inferior systems of belief. Grace is NOT like the trespass.

Romans 5:1-5 remind me I can trust God through every circumstance because he is working a process to bring hope. I can also be assured that I have peace with him regardless of circumstances. Circumstances do NOT determine the presence or absence of peace with God.

The "not only this" statements in Romans 5:3 & Romans 5:11 bracket some of the best news in all the world. I was weak, Christ died for the ungodly. I was a sinner, God displayed his love. I was an enemy of God, Christ died for me.

Several interesting things are happening here:
  • It is important to realize that Adam is a real person, not just a myth, because he is a type of Christ. If he were a myth this chapter would be nonsense.
  • My relationship to sin is established by my relationship to Adam.
  • In the same way, only more glorious, my relationship with grace is established by my relationship with Christ.

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