Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Luke 9:1-37

I love that the preaching of the twelve got results. The delegated preaching responsibilities caused word about Jesus to swirl through the whole countryside. Speculation about Jesus was everywhere, even in the palace. They had him as a prophet or John the Baptist -- Messiah never occurred to anyone. Herod was worried.

Peter confessed Jesus as Christ when they were praying. Jesus prayed before feeding 5,000. Would someone writing my life talk that much about my prayers?

I am supposed to take up my cross, not once and for all, but literally, "according to the day." Cross-bearing is a daily thing. Each day requires a different and distinct dying!

Jesus, Moses and Elijah spoke about Jesus' death. This was the conversation he had been trying to have with his disciples. The mount of transfiguration was not a spectacle or some glorified show-off experience, it was a strategy and encouragement summit in the face of the cross!

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