Monday, April 13, 2009

Luke 11:1-28

Jesus' disciples ask him to teach them to pray, like John taught his disciples to pray. Apparently that's one of the key things you should learn from someone who helps you walk with God. What would I learn if I asked Jesus to teach me to pray? Jesus says, pray about God's stuff, then pray about your stuff -- His kingdom, his will, then my daily bread, my forgiveness and temptation. The closer we connect our needs and desires to God's agenda, the more pleased he will be to respond.

Even if God were unwilling, like the friend in the night, he can be prevailed upon by persistence. But he is more like the father who is looking to give good gifts to his children. The best gift he gives is the Holy Spirit.

There is no coincidence that the Beelzebul controversy and Jesus clear claim of spiritual authority follow his instruction on prayer. Prayer and spiritual authority and spiritual victory go together.


Tiff said...

How are we to take v.24-26? It sounds a bit hopeless. If we keep our house "swept clean" should we expect a more severe attack from evil spirits?

Tiff said...

I guess what I mean to say is, seems like keeping a clean house would be a good thing and would keep evil at bay. You know, overflow of the heart and all that...

RevReav said...

I think the main issue is not the cleanliness of the house, but the strength of the one who casts out the demons in the first place and then protects the house.