Sunday, September 23, 2007

We're Home!

Can't we stay in the car just one more minute?We're Home! We loved our trip AND we're excited to be back. Here are some stats from our trip --

Trip Stats

Days way from Home: 53
Nights in a Motel: 16
Breakfasts at McDonalds: 0
Museums: >17
Number of times Marcia's cell phone went off during the changing of the guard at Arlington Cemetary: 1
Total Miles: 10,609
Lowest Gas Price: $2.49 (Two places)
Highest Gas Price: $3:26 (Ann Arbor, Michigan)
Quarts of Automatic Transmission Fluid: 7
Pictures: 5324
Minutes in the car with tears: 4
Mosquito bites on Lisa: 147 (more or less)
Most common question: Where was your favorite place?

Thank you for your prayers and love for our family. We returned with a renewed love for each other, for the Lord, for our country and for our church that would allow us to be gone for so long.
Our packing job


JoelandRachel said...

Yay, you made it home. It was great to see you!

Cornelia Seigneur - Finding the Adventure in Motherhood and Life said...

Hi Scott -

Welcome back - you came up in a conversation last night at the Oregon State Pen where I was part of the Seven Step Program's Essay presentation. I met Rick German from Bridges to Change. . .small world. Boy is he a story idea.
